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Last month photographers were asked, as part of the Click - Open Call sponsored by the Brooklyn Museum, to submit one photograph that considers Brooklyn's transformation and captures the "changing face(s) of Brooklyn." They welcomed a wide variety of visual interpretations of this topic.
I submitted one of my favorite shots from an ongoing project on Coney Island. They are now ready for you "the crowd" to view and evaluate the works that will become part of the formal museum show scheduled to open in June.
If you click on the lettering box in the image above it will point you to the official site that provides more details about the project concept and the evaluation process. In order to try and keep the evaluations honest no photographer's names are listed and the image order is totally random. There are some amazing images here! You are encouraged to look at them all and help rank them. Registration and verification is very easy and you can go back at any time before May 23rd (last day of evaluations) and pick-up where you left off so you do not have do it all in one sitting. I hope you will take the time to look at the images read the statements and be a part of this unique curatorial and exhibition concept.